Monday, May 9, 2016

Project Based Learning

Step One
Selecting a context
Lost in the Bush
Save the Bush
Fun in the Bush
Step Two & Three
Create questions and identify one broad question
What was your broad question?
How can we protect ourselves?
Step Four
What did I already know about my question
What did I already know about my question?
  1. Make a bow and arrow so we can protect ourselves
  2. Make a spear to protect ourselves
  3. Make a bear trap                                 
  4. Make a trap so we can protect ourselves
  5. Make a barricade
  6. Make a quick escape    
Step Five
Design your creation


A F๐x traр.
I designed a fox trap because it would help the native plants and animals that are in the forest and yourself from bad animals like foxes and possums and some other bad animals too.   
Step Six
Build your creation


Step Seven
How did it go? Good because we finally got the net on the poles.
What went well? Pretty much just the net because that was the only thing.
What was a challenge? Putting the net on the 4  poles with the rope.
Step Eight
What would you change next time? I would change the idea.
What would you improve next time? I would  improve the rope tying that I did on to the pole.  
Feedback - ask some other children what they thought?
Hunta=It was cool how you sitid up the net.
Logan T= You and Leo worked well together and tried to tie the net to the pole with rope.
Nathan= It's good if you’re caching pests.
Blake=It was pretty good, a pretty good trap.
Jayden=I think that your project was quite cool.